Monday, February 2, 2015

First Visual Arts Project

For my first visual arts project, I chose to do graphic design.

Here is my reflection...
At the beginning of this art project I was unsure of what I wanted to create. I thought about photography, but could not decide what I wanted to take a picture of. I think this stems from what I consider beauty. If it was spring I would have been able to take a picture of the beautiful flowers around my house, but it is winter. I do think that there is beauty in winter, but if I were going to edit a photo for an art piece, I would want it to be colorful. Needless to say, I didn’t know where or how to start this art piece. I sat down in front of a mac in the WERC and started clicking on the different programs to see what they offered. I stopped when I found a program called Gimp. This program allows you to virtually paint on a blank canvas.  I started out by drawing a blue sky with clouds and bright green grass. I put a sun in the sky and then I was like, “okay what next”. Next thing I know I started to draw a red doghouse and put Snoopy and his little friend on top. Snoopy always sat on the top of his doghouse. After this, I thought that it looked like he was daydreaming, so I googled daydreaming quotes. The one that I found that I really liked was, “everything starts as somebody’s daydream” by Larry Niven. As I finished up my project, I thought this would be a perfect piece to hang in the classroom because it was fun and had a good message. My frustrations throughout the project stemmed from not know how to use the program. Some of it was self explanatory, while others were not. What I can take from this frustration is that some students may feel this way about many different aspects of school. When they don’t fully understand something, frustration can occur. This experience can be shared with students to encourage when they also have those frustrating moments while working on specific assignments.

Really AWESOME Disney inspired graphic designs

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