Monday, April 27, 2015

Andy Warhol/Pop Art Lesson 4th/5th Grade

For my full week in field, I was asked to do an art lesson. I looked through a list of art projects they had already done, as well as artists they have already learned about. I finally decided to do Pop Art inspired by Andy Warhol. I used this Marilyn Manroe piece to inspire the students. I made a Prezi presentation to talk about Andy Warhol and Complementary Colors.
My Pop Art/Complementary Colors Prezi

Here are some pictures of my students' work. They all had a blast doing this and they did wonderful jobs.

Soap Carving

After reading Becoming Naomi Leon by Pam Muñoz Ryan we had an opportunity to do soap carving similar to the carvings that Naomi loved to do. I remember looking at the bar of soap and contemplating where to start. I don't know how I ended up with a bear, but I did. We talked about afterwards how it reminds us of the tree carving off of day road that has bears in it. This was an interesting assignment because I had never done anything like this before. In a way it was relaxing and afterwards my hands smelt very clean :)

Incredible Soap Carving Art

How to Make Soap Carving

Pinterest Soap Carving

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Fourth Visual Arts Project

For my final visual arts project, I chose collage. For this project, I chose to use buttons!!

I got ideas from sights like this....
Jennifer McGuire Ink


For my last project I chose to do a collage. I originally thought about doing a picture collage, but then I found a bag of mixed buttons while shopping. I thought that I could use this to make a collage of some sort. I experimented with laying them out on different pieces of paper. I tried making a flower to stick with my flower theme, but I was not happy with it. Eventually I started by drawing the outline of a fish and using the different smaller buttons to look like fish scales. I thought it looked pretty cool, so I ran with this idea. There were some gaps in the fish that I filled in with glitter because I didn’t like seeing the paper through the fish. Overall I think this was a good experience because I had never done anything like this before. I think that instead of the typical macaroni art projects that most students do, investing in a big bag of mixed buttons, students will be able to express more creativity with all of the different available colors.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


For me, Social Studies has focused a lot on community. I think that it is really important to build a strong classroom and school community. This involves building strong relationships around trust. My field experience classroom and school has a strong community. In my classroom, students have shared responsibilities. They are expected to take care of their responsibilities and if someone needs help, they will help. In the mornings, my teacher leads community time. This time is so important because it allows the whole class to come together and share thoughts and ideas. This is where active listening and respect play a large role in building their community. With that, I have looked at other sites and blogs about classroom communities...

Monday, April 6, 2015

Third Visual Arts Project

Saying this project was difficult is a bit of an understatement. I found clay at Walmart and decided to use that as my medium for my sculpture. What I found out about myself is that I need a lot more practice with molding clay.

Here is my reflection...

For my second art project I chose sculpture. When I think of sculpture, I think of an object that stands on its own and stands tall. I have air dry clay at home that I thought would be perfect for this project. I knew I needed a something to support the clay to make it stand tall on its own. I made a disc and stuck a straw in it. I then wrapped clay around the straw to cover the straw completely. After this, I was stuck and did not know what to do next. I guess I visualized a flower, but I tried to make it fanciful. I wrapped clay around the stem in a way that looked like stripes on a candy cane. My flower looked lonely, so I decided to make some smaller flowers that had not bloomed yet. When I finished, I felt that my project was strange at that I didn’t have much meaning behind it. That being said, I did not care, for I thought it was pretty. Unfortunately as my sculpture started to dry, pieces fell off. On my drive to school, more pieces came off. My sculpture did not succeed in staying together, which was upsetting. I think that it was because of the way I stuck the pieces together. The process of making my sculpture was relaxing and almost therapeutic, but watching it fall apart was not fun.

After talking with you, I decided to use a little salt dough to make the base larger and patch up the part that split. It is stronger now and hopefully won’t fall apart more. It is still a piece of art in my eyes even though it didn’t turn out the way I thought. This to me is similar to life itself, though things don’t always turn out the way we want, life still creates those moments that are memorable and beautiful.