Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Fourth Visual Arts Project

For my final visual arts project, I chose collage. For this project, I chose to use buttons!!

I got ideas from sights like this....
Jennifer McGuire Ink


For my last project I chose to do a collage. I originally thought about doing a picture collage, but then I found a bag of mixed buttons while shopping. I thought that I could use this to make a collage of some sort. I experimented with laying them out on different pieces of paper. I tried making a flower to stick with my flower theme, but I was not happy with it. Eventually I started by drawing the outline of a fish and using the different smaller buttons to look like fish scales. I thought it looked pretty cool, so I ran with this idea. There were some gaps in the fish that I filled in with glitter because I didn’t like seeing the paper through the fish. Overall I think this was a good experience because I had never done anything like this before. I think that instead of the typical macaroni art projects that most students do, investing in a big bag of mixed buttons, students will be able to express more creativity with all of the different available colors.

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